Johns Blog
John Northey’s Official online blog. This area will cover a range of topics and may often include a football drill that can be discussed directly with John and the Swooper Coach team.
Exciting news shortly re membership.
THERE’S NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT to join SWOOPERCOACH. We have reviewed the cost of membership to Swoopercoach. We now have a new structure, cost is Now $5 per membership (12 Months) . Be great to have you on board. Swoopercoach.
Explore Season 2015
Seek to Explore Looking back on season 2015 we need to evaluate our own thoughts (as Coach) on our season on the arena. Apart from recruiting and all the relevant procedures that have been put into place. What has been the most improvement in our side. Was our fitness up to the standard of the…
Reviewing Scoring Pattern
Review time first 5 games finding a scoring pattern. Look back over your games since the season started you may find a very interesting pattern. How your scoring pattern changes after each break. Listed below is last week’s AFL matches, hopefully this gives you an idea in finding the pattern of scoring and which quarters…
Seeking Feedback
1. Seek feedback without regard to your own personal sensitivities. (Senior coach to encourage all coaches / players to do the same). There are two aspects to this: Seek feedback, don’t just be open to it, and don’t allow personal sensitivities to delay the feedback (e.g. waiting for the right time, the right mood, the…
Body Parts
Body Parts We have ears to listen, however do we hear, eyes to look; do we see? We have a brain to process. (thought patterns) We have arms and legs to act. (fitness) 1. failure to listen, observe and perceive will affect the use of the other ‘parts’. 2. However concentration, ability to observe, creating…
Geoff Tunbridge another Great gone.
City loses footy champ Geoff Tunbridge
What is Swooper Coach?
Swoopercoach is an online learning centre for coaches and players to Commonsense Coaching created and managed by John “Swooper” Northey & his expert coaching team.
Join Swooper Coach
Join Swooper Coach today and get access to over 150 drills. Including animated drills, videos, Power Point presentations.