Johns Blog
John Northey’s Official online blog. This area will cover a range of topics and may often include a football drill that can be discussed directly with John and the Swooper Coach team.
New Layout + Web Server
Hello Swooper Coach members, over night we have switched to our updated, and we think, simplified template for the website and also migrated to our new webserver which should increase browsing and download speed for everybody. If you run into any problems please use the Contact Us page and let us know and we’ll fix…
Drills & more drills
Drills are now being loaded daily onto the website. If you were looking for a specific drill please contact us and we will get it for you as soon as possible. If you have an idea, for a drill or anything else that supports the site send us an email. We thank you for your…
Introduce Yourselves
As we continue to work hard to load up the remaining drills, now might be a good time for our members to introduce themselves. Let us know how many of you have reached the finals this year!
All our existing users have been emailed new username’s and passwords to access the site this afternoon. Welcome back if you have not visited for awhile. Please update your profiles and comment on any of the posts available. Suggestions and feedback are also encouraged. Remember to vote in our poll too. Hawks favorites?
All Drills Posted Soon
Drills are now being loaded daily onto the website. If you were looking for a specific drill please contact us and we will get it for you as soon as possible. If you have an idea, for a drill or anything else that supports the site send us an email. We thank you for your…
The Rushed Behind is worth more than 1 point
The rushed behind is worth more than one point. Rushing a behind by a backline player is really an act of submission and defeat. He has decided that he is forced to bring an end to an impossible situation. The only way out is to concede.
What is Swooper Coach?
Swoopercoach is an online learning centre for coaches and players to Commonsense Coaching created and managed by John “Swooper” Northey & his expert coaching team.
Join Swooper Coach
Join Swooper Coach today and get access to over 150 drills. Including animated drills, videos, Power Point presentations.