Coaches Nightly Training Worksheet.

This is your nightly training worksheet that needs to be sent out to all your coaches (Email or text) either on the day of training or the day before. This gives your assistants time to map out their section for training. (Your) FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB Coaches Training work sheet for Monday night. Idea Only  …

This is your nightly training worksheet that needs to be sent out to all your coaches (Email or text) either on the day of training or the day before. This gives your assistants time to map out their section for training.


Coaches Training work sheet for Monday night. Idea Only



MONDAY  December 15th, 2018 at MCG Arrive no later than 5.30pm


6 pm Dynamic Warm up, Stretch, Roll legs over 50m ­– Fitness G Landy


6.15 pm  Quick Hands, Confusion Drill, Lane work – Dusty Martin


6.30pm  Main drill, Feeding ball to best option, Creating Movement. (Education drills) Coach Hardwick                                                                                                                                                                                    Creating options 4 v 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Running Patterns


7.10pm  Running Block, 10 mins. Fartlek Running, Shuttle run, Endurance running. (Select) — S Monaghetti


7.25pm  Art of Tackling, Blocking, Decision Time. The Big “Dipper”


  1. 40pm Correct Warm Down for Injury Prevention. — Fitness Guru — Graeme Landy


Maintain Team Training rules during exercises and Drills.


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